ISO 39001 delivers a sound and comprehensive traffic safety management system designed for adoption by both administrative departments and businesses. Just like ISO 45001, this standard can bring about change that leads to a reduction in injuries and deaths. Moreover, it helps improve road safety infrastructure that leads to higher efficiency and use of existing networks.

Who needs ISO 39001 certification?
A common misconception regarding ISO 39001 is that it is only suitable to authorities responsible for traffic management and road safety. Whilst such entities would certainly benefit from adopting the standards laid out in ISO 39001, so too would various businesses.
Here are a few examples of how ISO 39001 can benefit different businesses and organisations:

Road Authorities
Different national and local governments around the world share responsibilities for road management and safety. All of these departments can benefit from implementing ISO 39001 in order to understand vulnerabilities in the system and take the necessary measures to protect life and decrease the incidence of injuries.

Freight Forwarders
Businesses that operate on the road can reap the benefits of ISO 39001 by implementing the changes brought about by this standard. Apart from improving the overall safety of employees and other road users, this standard can help freight forwarders improve their efficiency and meet social responsibility targets.

Taxi Operators
By adhering to the standards laid out in ISO 39001, operators of taxis, cabs, coaches, and busses can benefit from enhanced efficiencies and an improved management system that can help reduce accidents and incidents. Moreover, getting certified sends a clear message to staff that you care about their wellbeing.
What’s ISO 39001 all about?
Obtaining ISO 39001 certification can lead to a number of benefits, both for the organisation that has received the certificate and its surrounding community. These benefits include:
- Meeting organisational safety and social responsibility targets
- Demonstrating to partners and stakeholders that you take these targets seriously
- Identifying ways to improve efficiency through better traffic and team management
- Reducing costs through improved efficiency
Just like any other ISO standard, becoming ISO 39001-certified gives your organisation international credibility. Moreover, it provides a structured and well-documented way to reduce injuries and save lives, whether those of your own team or the individuals with who they come in contact.

The next step
If you would like to find out more about becoming ISO 39001-certified, you should get in touch with us today.
One of our experts will be able to answer your questions and provide you with a thorough explanation of the entire process.